How to Sew an Invisible Zipper

Sewing an invisible zipper is a useful skill to have in your sewing repertoire. Invisible zippers are commonly used in garments to create a seamless and polished look. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of sewing an invisible zipper.

Materials You Will Need

Before you begin, gather the following materials:

  1. Invisible Zipper: Choose a zipper that matches the color of your fabric and is the appropriate length for your project.
  2. Fabric: Have the fabric pieces you intend to attach the zipper to ready.
  3. Zipper Foot: Ensure your sewing machine has a zipper foot installed.
  4. Pins or Clips: These will help hold the fabric in place as you sew.
  5. Thread: Use thread that matches your fabric.

Step 1: Prepare the Fabric Edges

1.1. Finish the Edges: Before inserting the zipper, finish the raw edges of the fabric pieces. You can use a serger, overlock stitch, or even a zigzag stitch to prevent fraying.

1.2. Press the Seam Allowance: Press open the seam where the zipper will be placed. This makes it easier to sew the zipper in neatly.

Step 2: Open the Zipper

2.1. Unzip the Zipper: Open the zipper completely. This step is crucial to ensure you can access the fabric easily as you sew.

2.2. Align the Zipper: Place the zipper face down on one of the fabric edges. Make sure the top stop of the zipper aligns with the top of the fabric.

2.3. Pin or Clip: Secure the zipper tape to the fabric, aligning the zipper teeth with the seam allowance.

Step 3: Attach the Zipper Foot

3.1. Change the Presser Foot: Swap your regular presser foot for the zipper foot on your sewing machine.

3.2. Adjust Needle Position: Adjust the needle position if necessary so that it is closer to the zipper teeth.

Step 4: Stitch One Side

4.1. Start at the Top: Begin stitching at the top of the fabric, close to the zipper’s top stop. Backstitch to secure the seam.

4.2. Sew Alongside the Teeth: Sew along the side of the zipper teeth, keeping the fabric taut but not stretching it. Go slowly and pivot at the zipper pull.

4.3. Backstitch at the End: When you reach the end, backstitch to secure the seam.

Step 5: Stitch the Other Side

5.1. Fold the Fabric: Fold the fabric over so that the other side of the zipper tape is exposed.

5.2. Repeat the Stitching: Repeat the stitching process as described in Step 4, starting at the top and sewing alongside the teeth.

Step 6: Close the Zipper

6.1. Zip Up the Zipper: Close the zipper to ensure it aligns perfectly and opens and closes smoothly.

Step 7: Finish the Seam

7.1. Press the Seam: Press the fabric around the zipper to make it lay flat and neat.

7.2. Optional Topstitch: You can topstitch close to the seam on both sides of the zipper to help keep the fabric flat and provide extra reinforcement.

Step 8: Trim Excess Zipper Tape

8.1. Cut the Excess: Carefully trim any excess zipper tape that extends beyond the top and bottom of the fabric.

Step 9: Final Press

9.1. Give a Final Press: Press the entire seam once more to ensure a crisp and clean finish.

Step 10: Troubleshooting and Tips

10.1. Zipper Not Closing Smoothly: If the zipper doesn’t close smoothly, you may need to reinforce the area around the zipper stop with a few backstitches to prevent it from catching.

10.2. Basting: If you’re new to sewing invisible zippers, it can be helpful to baste the zipper tape to the fabric before using your sewing machine. This temporary stitching can be easily removed if you make a mistake.

10.3. Practice on Scrap Fabric: Before sewing an invisible zipper into your actual project, practice on scrap fabric to get the hang of it.

10.4. Use a Zipper Foot: Ensure that you’re using a zipper foot designed for your specific sewing machine model. It will make sewing close to the zipper teeth much easier.

Step 11: Sewing an Invisible Zipper in a Lined Garment

11.1. Sew the Outer Fabric: Follow the steps mentioned earlier to sew the invisible zipper into the outer fabric of your garment.

11.2. Sew the Lining: If your garment is lined, sew the lining pieces together separately, leaving an opening for the zipper. Then, sew the zipper into the lining, aligning it with the opening.

11.3. Attach the Lining to the Outer Fabric: After sewing the zipper into both the outer fabric and the lining, attach the lining to the outer fabric, sandwiching the zipper between them.

11.4. Finish the Garment: Continue with the construction of your garment as usual, now that the zipper is invisibly concealed between the outer fabric and lining.

Step 12: Experiment with Zipper Colors

12.1. Color Contrasts: Don’t be afraid to experiment with zipper colors. Sometimes, a contrasting zipper can add a unique and stylish touch to your garment.

12.2. Invisible Zippers for Decorative Purposes: Invisible zippers aren’t just for closures. They can also be used decoratively on the outside of a garment, as long as they are securely sewn in place.

Step 13: Care and Maintenance

13.1. Cleaning: When cleaning garments with invisible zippers, always close the zipper before washing to prevent it from getting caught on other items in the wash.

13.2. Lubricate: Over time, zippers can become stiff. To keep them functioning smoothly, you can apply a small amount of zipper lubricant or even a bit of candle wax to the teeth.

Step 14: Further Resources

14.1. Online Tutorials: There are numerous video tutorials and online resources available to help you master the art of sewing invisible zippers.

14.2. Sewing Classes: Consider taking a sewing class or workshop, either in person or online, to improve your sewing skills.

14.3. Practice: Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you sew invisible zippers, the more confident you’ll become in using this technique.

Materials Needed

No. Material Description Quantity
1 Invisible Zipper Desired color/length 1
2 Fabric Garment fabric N/A
3 Zipper Foot Sewing machine foot 1
4 Thread Matching thread color N/A
5 Pins Sewing pins Several

Preparing the Fabric

No. Step Description
1 Measure and cut fabric Cut fabric pieces for the zipper area.
2 Iron fabric Press fabric to remove wrinkles.
3 Mark seam allowance Mark the seam allowance on fabric edges.
4 Pin fabric together Pin the fabric edges where zipper will go.
5 Baste the seam Temporarily stitch along the pinned edge.

Preparing the Zipper

No. Step Description
1 Measure and cut zipper Trim the zipper to match fabric length.
2 Unzip the zipper Open the zipper completely.
3 Iron the zipper tape Flatten the zipper tape for sewing.
4 Pin the zipper Pin the zipper tape to fabric right side.
5 Adjust zipper foot Attach the zipper foot to the machine.

Sewing the Zipper

No. Step Description
1 Start sewing Begin stitching from the top fabric edge.
2 Use zipper foot Keep the zipper foot against the zipper.
3 Backstitch at the start Secure the beginning of the zipper.
4 Sew along the tape Stitch closely along the zipper tape.
5 Backstitch at the end Secure the end of the zipper.

Final Steps

No. Step Description
1 Check zipper Ensure the zipper opens and closes smoothly.
2 Remove basting stitches Carefully remove temporary basting stitches.
3 Press the fabric Iron the fabric for a neat finish.
4 Trim excess threads Trim any loose threads for a clean look.
5 Enjoy your invisible zipper Your project is now complete!


Sewing an invisible zipper can initially seem daunting, but with patience and practice, it becomes a valuable skill that can enhance the quality and appearance of your sewing projects. Whether you’re making clothing, accessories, or home decor items, mastering the art of sewing invisible zippers will open up a world of design possibilities. So, grab your materials and start sewing with confidence!


How to Sew an Invisible Zipper

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