Why Does My Singer Sewing Machine Keeps Jamming

Sewing machines, such as Singer, are essential tools for those who enjoy sewing, whether for hobby or profession. However, it can be frustrating when your sewing machine constantly jams, disrupting your creative flow. In this article, we will explore the common reasons why Singer sewing machines jam and provide solutions to help you troubleshoot and prevent this issue.

  1. Thread Tension Problems:

One of the most common reasons for sewing machine jams is improper thread tension. If the tension is too tight or too loose, it can lead to thread bunching, knotting, and eventual jams.


  • Check your sewing machine’s manual for instructions on adjusting thread tension.
  • Ensure you are using the correct thread type and size for your fabric.
  • Make sure the bobbin and top thread are threaded correctly.
  1. Bobbin Issues:

Issues with the bobbin can also cause sewing machine jams. If the bobbin is not inserted properly or is damaged, it can lead to uneven stitching and jams.


  • Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly and that the thread is pulled through the bobbin tension spring.
  • Check for any damage to the bobbin or bobbin case and replace if necessary.
  1. Needle Problems:

A bent or dull needle can easily cause sewing machine jams. When the needle is not in good condition, it may snag the fabric or miss stitches, resulting in jams.


  • Regularly change your sewing machine needle, especially if you are sewing heavy or thick fabrics.
  • Make sure the needle is correctly installed, with the flat side facing the back.
  1. Incorrect Thread Size or Type:

Using the wrong thread size or type for your fabric can lead to jams. Thin threads on heavy fabrics or thick threads on delicate fabrics can cause issues.


  • Match the thread size and type to your fabric for smoother stitching.
  1. Fabric and Needle Mismatch:

Sewing machines, including Singer models, have limitations regarding the thickness and type of fabric they can handle. Using the wrong needle or attempting to sew overly thick materials can result in jams.


  • Use the appropriate needle and thread for the type and thickness of fabric you are working with.
  • Consider using a walking foot attachment for thick or layered fabrics.
  1. Bobbin and Spool Thread Mismatch:

Using different thread types or weights on the bobbin and spool can lead to tension problems and jams.


  • Ensure that both the top and bobbin threads are of similar type and weight.
  1. Cleaning and Maintenance:

Neglecting regular cleaning and maintenance can lead to lint buildup, which can cause jams and affect your sewing machine’s performance.


  • Clean your sewing machine regularly, removing lint and debris from the bobbin area and feed dogs.
  • Oil your machine according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Thread-Related Issues

Thread Tension Thread Quality Thread Type Bobbin Winding Needle Size
Too tight Poor quality Wrong type Uneven winding Incorrect
Too loose Old thread Incorrect Overfilled Too small
Uneven Thread knots Thick Bobbin thread Bent
Tangled Dull

Needle-Related Issues

Needle Type Needle Size Needle Condition Needle Insertion Needle Alignment
Wrong type Too small Blunt Incorrect Misaligned
Bent Too large Bent Not in depth Crooked
Damaged Incorrect Dull

Bobbin-Related Issues

Bobbin Thread Quality Bobbin Tension Bobbin Position Bobbin Case Condition Bobbin Compatibility
Poor quality Too tight Incorrect Damaged Incompatible
Incorrect Too loose Not seated well Dirty Wrong size
Tangled Uneven Worn out Jammed
Knots Rusty

Feed Dog and Presser Foot Issues

Feed Dog Condition Presser Foot Type Presser Foot Pressure Feed Dog Height Feed Dog Dirt
Worn out Wrong type Too high Too low Clogged
Not moving Damaged Too low Incorrect Dirty
Stuck Incorrect Uneven

Sewing Machine Maintenance

Cleaning Frequency Oil Type Bobbin Winding Thread Change Needle Replacement
Regularly Machine Evenly With care When damaged
Annually Sewing Properly Match color Frequently
As needed Oil Not overfilled Regularly When bent
or dull


A Singer sewing machine jamming can be frustrating, but with proper troubleshooting and maintenance, many of these issues can be resolved. Regularly inspect and clean your machine, use the right needles and threads, and pay attention to proper tension adjustments. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy smoother and more productive sewing sessions with your Singer sewing machine.


Why Does My Singer Sewing Machine Keeps Jamming

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